Clinton, Wisconsin
Loving God,
Building Community,
Transforming Lives.
Worship Service
We worship in the sanctuary with singing, prayer, special music, children's message, offering time, and message.
Coffee Fellowship
Immediately following worship in the Fellowship Hall
A special time of fellowship gathered around our round tables with coffee, juice and often offered homemade treats. This is one of our special times as a congregation to catch up with one another to have a laugh, prayer, and/or find out what is going on with one another.
Sunday School
Sundays 10:30 - 11:15AM
Classes available for all ages represented. An adult class meets in the Fireside Room, and Children's classes meet on the 3rd floor
School Release
School Lunch Hour (Fall - Spring)
School Religious Release to have lunch and a short Bible study before heading back to school. Hosted by Emmanuel Church & Led by Michael Powers
Amateur Pickleball
Wednesdays (Spring - Fall)
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Join a fun group of Pickleball players that have a wide range of skill (or not!) in playing Pickleball together. 3 courts are available and even equipment is ready to be used. All in the back parking lot of the church
Join us!
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Tuesday Evenings set by each Study
6:30 - 7:30PM
Books of the Bible are taken chapter by chapter and studied by a group. Each study is individual and runs for a set period of time. The study of Jonah is coming soon. Watch for more details!
TNT Ladies Exercise Group
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9 am- 10 am
Everyone is welcome to visit with friends and neighbors.
Have fun taking care of yourself!
Football Breakfast
Fridays in football season
(Prep starts at 6AM) Served at 7:15am
Friday morning before school the football team and coaches are invited for breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
Advent Workshop
November 30, 2025
4 - 7PM
A night of crafts for all ages from making Advent Calendars to ornaments, a light chili supper, and wrapping up with a few Christmas Carols. A nice way to start the Christmas season. More 1 day events under EVENTS tab.
Delivering Hope
Thursday Evenings at 5:00PM
Packing bags of food for students at Sharon Community School to eat on the weekends. Bags are packed at the church and then delivered to the school for distribution to the students.