Clinton, Wisconsin
At Emmanuel Community Church, we strive to serve the community of Clinton and the surrounding areas.
Sunday School
Emmanuel offers Sunday school classes after fellowship time. There are classes for children three years old through high school and two options for adults as well. Come and dig deeper into God's word!
Sunday School Classes:
Pre-school/Kindergarten to lower Elementary
Upper Elementary School
Adult School
Studying the Sunday School Guide in the Fireside Room on the Sanctuary level. We ask that your bring your own Bible and a willingness to explore, to ask questions, to share input and to have a desire to grow in your relationship with God.
Inquiry Class searches what it means to be a member of the church. What is my responsibility, and what is the church's? What do all the church terms mean. Class is offered periodically during the year.
Our congregation has an active prayer chain that reaches our members wherever they are, local or across the globe. Anyone is welcome to share praises or prayer requests, and then the church body will pray accordingly. If you have any personal prayer requests, please contact Pastor Chad.
Football Breakfasts
We host the Clinton Cougar Football team and coaches each Friday morning at 7:15 AM for a big breakfast and a devotional during the football season. Volunteers are welcome to come assist in preparing breakfast at around 6:15 in the church fellowship hall. Go Cougars!
Bible Release Time
We offer the space for Faith Church in Janesville to hold lunch and a Bible lesson as a release time from Clinton Schools. This takes place every other Wednesday from 9:30 - 10:30AM
T-N-T Exercise
There is an exercise group held in the church basement Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM to 10AM . Contact Connie by clicking here to sign-up and/or ask questions. Or just drop in to join the group!
T-N-T meets in the church basement.
Healing Strong
Meeting every first Wednesday at 1PM, and 3rd Saturday at 9AM join this new group with its goal being to connect, support, and educate individuals facing diseases and health challenges through strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit. Want more information? Contact Rhonda at Healingstronginclinton@gmail.com
Online Worship Services
Interested in Emmanuel? Not ready to attend just yet? Or not feeling comfortable attending in the age of the pandemic? Then watch a service online. The service is streamed to the church's Youtube channel each Sunday at 9AM CT and is available to watch anytime after as well. When you feel comfortable we would love to have you join us! If you have any questions please contact the church (eccclinton@gmail.com)
Wednesday Night Pickleball
Join a mixed group of skilled and unskilled Pickleball players who are just looking for some fun and exercise each Wednesday evening. In Summer it runs from 6 - 8PM and in the Fall it shortens a bit as the days get shorter, running from 5:30 - 7PM. Come once in a while or every week (weather permitting) for a relaxing night of Pickleball!
Weekly Bible Study
A study of a book in the Bible happens throughout the year. These are usually short term and are offered independent of each other. The last study on Ruth was a 4 week study. Watch for the next study announced in the bulletin and on the home page.